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Regents Week Procedures


January 2023 Regents Exam Schedule

General Information for January, June, and August Regents Exams:

Nothing but light jackets or sweatshirts and appropriate testing materials (pencils, pens, an approved calculator, etc.) are allowed into the test sites. No backpacks, purses, bags, heavy jackets, food, drinks, or electronic devices of any kind (including cell phones) are permitted at test sites. Any prohibited items will be kept in the main office until test completion and students exit the building.

Students are to be at the test site at 8:15 am for morning exams, and 11:15 am for afternoon exams. The soonest students can be released from test sites is 10:00 am for morning exams, and 2:00 pm for afternoon exams.

If you have any questions regarding the exams, please call 565-5810.


January Regents Exams:

January Regents Exams will take place during the regular school day. Students not scheduled to take any exams will follow their regular class schedule. Students scheduled to take a morning exam will follow their regular class schedule upon completion. Students scheduled to take an afternoon exam will follow their regular class schedule and then report to the test site at the designated time. There will be no adjustments to the regular morning and afternoon bus runs.


June Regents Exams:

Students do not need special permission to drive to school on Regents testing days. Students only need to attend school during Regents testing days if they have tests. No attendance is taken and students are free to come and go from school as needed for testing.

We cannot page or contact students, so please make all transportation arrangements in advance. Students will be allowed to make phone calls for rides at test completion.

Morning buses will run on a regular schedule for pick-up. We will have a mid-day bus available to take students home after the morning exams (The bus will depart the senior high at 11:45 am.) Students with afternoon tests will be able to take the regularly scheduled afternoon buses home (2:45 pm dismissal).

Please note that students will only have transportation to school in the morning. Study halls are available in the morning for students who have afternoon exams and no other means of transportation to school.


August Regents Exams & Reviews:

Any students planning on taking an August Regents exam must register for the exam. To register your child please call 565-5810 or 565-5800 between the hours of 9am and 2pm. Registration will close by the second Friday in July.

In addition, we will be holding Regent's review sessions. Prior to these dates, you will be mailed a schedule of the review sessions as well as any additional Regents information (if you registered). For any further information, you can call 565-5810 or 565-5800.

Students must provide their own transportation to and from the high school. Students do not need special permission to drive to school on review and Regents testing days. No attendance is taken and students are free to come and go from school as needed for review and testing.

We cannot page or contact students, so please make all transportation arrangements in advance. Students will be allowed to make phone calls for rides at test completion.